Off and On
Making yourself seem so exclusive, such a secret, that buyers only covet you more is a well-established technique of luxury goods, and it’s now spreading to property.
Websites advertising the likes of Grosvenor Square, Chelsea Barracks and 1 Palace Street (right by Buckingham Palace) offer very little detail — a holding page only, in some instances.
‘This adds to the desirability factor and makes them the most talked about, yet inaccessible, properties in town,’ says Edo Mapelli Mozzi, CEO of Banda Property. ‘These are the properties that are being bought pre-market, leaving the less-connected buyers totally out of the loop.’
If you want to get on the list, you need to go to off-market specialists. Banda, in fact, has recently sourced some deals off-market through tight personal and professional connections, fast-tracking its clients with first dibs on developments such as Battersea Power Station (phase one), Barts Square and Lillie Square.